Growing up in a small Midwestern town, John B. Winsor had a vivid imagination and unquenchable sense of adventure. And he never outgrew them. With boundless enthusiasm and curiosity he has pursued adventure, in many forms, throughout his life.
As a business leader, he built a media network of newspapers, magazines and websites. He fought to preserve one of America’s great ecosystems from a giant mining operation as board chairman of the Greater Yellowstone Coalition.
He was founding director of the University of Colorado’s ATLAS Institute, an interdisciplinary environment to explore the opportunities presented by new communication technology. As a technology innovator, he was among the first to use satellites to disseminate information. He nurtured the love of reading in children by creating Dial-a-Story.
And as for outdoor adventure . . . J.B. was on one of the earliest expeditions to China’s remote Kingdom of Muli. He has lived, hunted and fished with indigenous people on six continents. He has been face to face with a grizzly during the Yellowstone fires, survived two airplane crashes and a boat sinking in the Arctic. It’s been quite an adventurous life, and great fodder for a busy storyteller.
During the winter, John and his wife, Tish, live in Boulder, Colorado. Each spring, they head to their Wyoming ranch to write, fly fish, hike, and spend time with their three children and eight grandchildren.